Con l'approssimarsi dell'estate si raccomanda la massima prudenza. Nel caso di Pannesi, episodio assai raro, il grosso aspide non ha esitato ad attaccare, facendosi annunciare dal tradizionale ?sibilo?. Il continuo abbandono dei boschi ...
As she returns home from vacation, Miley Cyrus addressed her fans in the video (above) to set them straight on cohabitation rumors, her opinion on the press and... ... Kayla Pannesi says ? reply to this. 33. too everyone saying she doesnt care about her fans, she OBVIOUSLY does. do u realize how many fans she has, she cant get to all of them in one day lol. but either way, i love how 90% of the rumors she mentioned, were from YOUR site, hahahahahahhahahahahahhahah. ...
As she returns home from vacation, Miley Cyrus addressed her fans in the video (above) to set them straight on cohabitation rumors, her opinion on the press and... ... Kayla Pannesi says ? reply to this. 33. too everyone saying she doesnt care about her fans, she OBVIOUSLY does. do u realize how many fans she has, she cant get to all of them in one day lol. but either way, i love how 90% of the rumors she mentioned, were from YOUR site, hahahahahahhahahahahahhahah. ...